Welcome to Get Mortgage.

Welcome to Get Mortgage. Due to their busy lifestyles and schedules, for our clients’ convenience Get Mortgage is the first broker in Ireland which opens its office on weekends and outside regular office hours.

We are here for you

Get Mortgage is here to help its clients with buying a house, as well as protection, investments, retirement and other financial products.

Buying a family home is very significant and one of our greatest dreams.  At Get Mortgage we believe that our experience, knowledge and deep understanding of the processes involved  help our clients to turn this dream into reality. 

We have over ten years’ experience in the financial sector.  Our advanced, professional-level qualifications allow us to provide key advice and products which are the most suitable for all
our clients.

We are with our clients from our very first conversation together to that most happy of moments when they collect their key to their new home.






Nasz zespół

Natasza Korajda CFP

Senior Financial Advisor

Natalia Koziol QFA

Operations Manager

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas rutrum et enim id semper. Ut non fermentum mi.”

Dwan Clark

CEO Digitools

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas rutrum et enim id semper. Ut non fermentum mi.”

Dwan Clark

CEO A/ramis

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas rutrum et enim id semper. Ut non fermentum mi.”

Dwan Clark

CEO Taycoon

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas rutrum et enim id semper. Ut non fermentum mi.”

Dwan Clark

CEO Shark

Co mówią o nas klienci

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